Promoted to Chief Engineer

In June, my boss of 23 years, the chief engineer of the Division of Water Resource, retired rather suddenly when a great opportunity came his way (and being ready for a break from the responsibility to spend more time with his family) .  The  day he retired  they asked me to be acting chief engineer while they did a national search for a permanent chief engineer.

I never aspired to be chief engineer as it is a very big job. But the months of serving as acting chief has changed my mind as a result of the many who encouraged me that I could do the job, thegreat support from our central office, and the DWR’s great staff.  So I applied.

On November  19,  2007, it was announced that I had been selected to serve as Kansas 5th chief engineer (since the position was established in 1927). Below is a link to the press release.

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